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Twig Hunter Pass-Thru (Ramin Hardwood)

All Raw Shafting by the dozen are hand spined, compress straightened and matched in spine and weight. All full length.

About Ramin Shafting
This is a very durable, but is the heaviest of the shafting. It makes a great hunting arrow. Due to the weight, it has great penetration ability. This wood also makes a great stumping arrow, because of its toughness, it will really take a beating. Not the best for 3-D shooting because of the heavier weight. Sands and stains easily. A little more difficult to get a fine crest on. It is also a little more difficult to straighten. Not easy to point and nock taper with the hand held tools, better to use a grinding method. It does not have normal straight grain like cedar or chundoo. It has an interlocking grain due to coming from a tropical climate. This wood comes from Asia.